I have to give a massive shout out to the people around me who are amazingly supportive. So generous with compliments. So fantastically gracious. My life is full of ups and downs, as so many people have in this world. But today, there are a number of memories (both good and bad) that bring me to this place of appreciation for all that I have accomplished in my life so far. The people around me that have been a big part of that, and the influence I get from them, I can't say THANK YOU enough.
I'm also lucky enough to have the supportive from my husband, who wishes for me to succeed in my endeavours, a couple of kids who are bright and helpful with anything I ask, and a number of key friends that I think of more as family, than just friends. And, lastly, but certainly not least, a group of clients that have put their trust in me. Again, I sincerely thank you for all your business. I'm honoured to be a part of your lives.
